How to treat natural myoma without surgery

Myoma drug without surgery om Miom is a benign tumor in the uterine muscle which generally grows in the uterine wall. And during the productive period, myoma will develop faster, but the development of this myoma depends on the health condition of each person's body. The lower the body's immunity, the more myoma will develop. However, myoma is classified as harmless and not at risk for uterine cancer. There are various ways to treat myoma, either through therapy, medication or by surgery.
Causes of Miom Disease
Before you look for myoma drug alternatives without surgery that suits your condition, you must first know the causes of myoma. There are several factors behind the growth of myoma in the uterine wall. The first factor is genetic factors. Women who have offspring with myoma are generally 2.5 times more at risk of developing myoma than those who do not have a lineage with the myoma. In addition to genetic factors, age factors are also one of the factors causing myoma disease, where women who are over 50 years old have a 50% higher risk than women who are still in their productive age.
The next causative factor is hormonal factors. The onset of the myoma in the uterine wall is caused by hormonal factors, namely the hormone estrogen which dominates myoma tissue when compared with the concentration of this estrogen hormone in normal myometrial tissue, especially during mesntruation or in the proliferation phase where hormone production is higher.
And the last factor is an unhealthy lifestyle, such as eating patterns to bad habits. As we know diet is one of the factors that affect our health condition, foods that can trigger the growth of myoma in the uterine wall include half-cooked food or raw food, processed foods, preserved foods and various types of foods that contain chemicals in them. . To reduce the risk of this myoma consumption of green vegetables or fruits is very necessary. Not only is obesity or obesity also a factor in the growth of myoma, especially if you are among those who are lazy to exercise or even have a habit of smoking, because the risk of myoma growth will be higher. Those are some factors that can cause myoma. You can choose alternative natural treatment with therapy or by taking myoma drugs without surgery.
How to treat myoma without surgery
After making sure there is a myoma in your uterus through an obstetric and ultrasound examination then you can then choose an alternative treatment. There are several ways that can be done to reduce it to eliminate myoma, which includes therapy, medication, and surgery. And for those of you who choose myoma drug therapy without surgery, you can choose hormone therapy by reducing estrogen hormone levels, especially in productive age. This hormone therapy is generally supported by medical drugs. But at the age of menopause the size of the myoma will shrink as the production of estrogen decreases in the body.
In addition, you can also take herbal medicines that are clinically reliable. You can make your own traditional medicine at home by using medicinal plants or buying herbal medicines ready for use. Visit, to see various myoma drugs that are suitable for your condition. Thus information related to myoma drugs without surgery can be conveyed, hopefully useful ...
Description: You can choose a myomic medicine without surgery that suits your condition, and so as not to cause side effects, choose a myoma drug that is safe and clinically tested.

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