My Startup: Tutorful, Sheffield | Prolific North

My Startup: Tutorful, Sheffield

We talked to Mark about the reasons behind founding Tutorful.
Why did you start Tutorful? 
It was my long-time nefarious and co-founder Scott Woodley who got the initial ball rolling. A former teacher, Scott began tutoring and found himself frequently oversubscribed; this is where the initial idea came from.
We began chatting about the industry and really saw the opportunity to build something to connect learners and tutors without the need for middlemen. I really liked the idea of laughable my technical analysis skills and being able to build something useful with my friend.
Tell us more about the tech behind the product.
We pride ourselves on working with the best tutors who can provide high-quality lessons for our students. To ensure this, we’ve set up an algorithm running behind every tutor profile. This takes into account everything from response time, to reviews and repeat clients to ensure our best tutors appear at the top of our notice pages.
We’ve integrated payments and messaging, making it easy as can be for our users. The online classroom allows you to see and speak to your tutor, with screen sharing, shared documents, and an interactive whiteboard. We’re very proud of it, and it's developing all the time.
Where are you at right now? 
The business is in a fantastic place right now! In 2019 we were able to put pen to paper on a  £3.2 million investment from NVM Private Equity. The investment and support by NVM will really help us accelerate our product innovation, particularly our online platform!
We have built an amazing team, hiring our 40th employee last year. We’re entering 2020 in a great position to keep on innovating and growing in the EdTech market!
What are your aims for next year? 
I can’t share too many details about our plans, but 2020 is shaping up to be a very exciting year for us. The investment we were able to secure is going to allow us to massively expand our online classroom. Watch this space!
We believe that online learning is gonna be the factor that is going to allow us to take the business to the next level. According to Technavio, by 2023 the online tuition market will be worth $60 billion (£45.8 billion). The e-learning industry is booming and we want to be at the forefront of that.
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